Live Ten: Jump-Start the best version of your life – Terry A Smith – Book Review

John 10:10 “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Are you living a life that is full? Does life present itself as an opportunity for joy and success?   This is one of the many questions that are asked in Terry Smiths’s book.

You are challenged as a reader to look beyond the life you are currently leading and question whether  you could be getting more out of your life, and live to your full potential while also impacting on the wider community that you live in.  He shares with us that there is much more available to us, that God wants us to live, but we have to take action rather than be passive and basically move out of our own way so that we can live our best lives.

The book is split up into 7 parts and 30 chapters, not to let that put you off, the chapters are short, and at the end of every chapter a series of reflective questions for you to consider.

The parts are broken down as follows and this is what I took away from the book:

  • Awaken – a look at how you live your life, deciding what you truly want and what it is exactly that inspires and motivates you.
  • Discover – what does God see and how we can bring our views in line with God.
  • Imagine – having the audacity to make changes, where it can take you and how far it can enable you to go if you stepped out of your comfort zone and became bolder.
  • Grow – the act of continuing to do the right thing, getting to know yourself and lining up with how God sees you.  We are encouraged to bridge the divide between how we see ourselves and how God truly sees us.
  • Act – Rather than waiting for things to happen, why not get up and do something about it.  You could be the miracle in someone else’s life – what are you going to do about it?
  • Lead – We are all called to be leaders in varying degrees.  How you are particularly called to be a leader is a question for you to reflect on.
  • Go – When all is said and done, we are called to action, but we have to remember that there will always be challenges along the way, sometimes they can be extremely hard to deal with but if you keep going and take courage you will see the fruits of your endeavors.

I felt that it was a very thought provoking book, and one that is not just a one-time read, but there are many ideas that are worth pursuing as you dig deep.  It is worth spending time answering the reflection questions after each part and you will gain a deeper understanding of how you can make changes and live a life that is way beyond what you are living now.  I really enjoyed reading this book and would definitely recommend it.  It could also be used in a group setting and with the lay out fits the 30 day or longer if needed format.

Terry A Smith is Lead Pastor of the Life Christian Church in New York City.  He is co-founder of the New York City Leadership Center and speaks in a variety of venues nationally and internationally.  Terry is married with 3 children.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255