Altar Ego – Craig Groeschel – Book Review

Altar Ego by Craig Groeschel is one of those books that you can read repeatedly.  I found his style to be very familiar, as if you were talking to a close friend, he is open and honest in telling you his story, not only revealing his vulnerabilities, but within this you gain insight into his strengths.  This is one of those books that you consistently find nuggets of new revelation as you read, we share some of his embarrassing moments and most of all we share his triumphs that made him who he is today.

At the start of the book Craig reminds us that we are not yet who we are called to be, and can all at times find value in the wrong places, putting on labels that do not capture who we truly are but those that are thrown at us by others.  In his own life he allowed himself to go through a series of events to discover what God had placed within the core of who he truly was.

The book is split up into three main parts  – these are ‘Sacrificing your false self for your sacred identity’, ‘Sacrificing cultural relativity for Eternal values’ and ‘Sacrificing self justification for passionate obedience’ these are then further broken down into chapters encouraging you to step outside of the labels and live with integrity and truth.  In each chapter Craig invites us to dive deeper into our true calling.

Who has God called you to be?

It is a question at some point in your life you will find yourself asking and to have a clear understanding you have to lay down  every negative behavior, comment and mindset and make a commitment to change, essentially you have to be consistent with the time you spend with God.

It was my first time reading one of his books and he has authored many others which I am assuming are equally thought provoking and gem filled.  The only thing I was disappointed about was when the book came to an end!  Grieg really has an engaging style that leaves you feeling encouraged and blessed.  If you are looking for a deeper understanding of what God is doing in your life and has called you to be then you will want to read this book, if you are ready for a change or you are in the idle you will want to read this book.  If you don’t know what the fuss is all about and would just like to read a good book, then you’ve guessed it!  You will want to read this book.

About the Author

Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of LifeChurchtv, he is the author of several books including Soul Detox, Weird, the Christian Atheist and It.  He lives in Edmond, Oklahoma with his wife, Amy, and their six children.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255